I got nominated for the Liebster Award by the gorgeous Shiyamala Jasmine. Thanks doll! xx
The Liebster Award is given from bloggers to bloggers who are new and/or upcoming. This makes it a great way to discover new blogs and to socialize! I really don't want to spam you all with an essay of my life promise, but this seemed like a sweet short way to get a little personal. Bonus: also while doing a little procrastination for my psychology exam study.
The Rules
- Each person nominated must list 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the 11 questions left by your tagger.
- Create your own 11 questions.
- Tag up to 11 up and coming bloggers.
- No Tag Backs.
11 Facts About Me
- Still a child at heart
- I always have flowers or bows in my hair
- I play the piano, violin and learning the guitar
- Elephants are my favourite animals
- I love balloons and bubbles
- Audrey Hepburn is my inspiration
- I want to live in New York
- Loved fashion and travel since I was four
- Third year Classical Performance degree student
- I want to study a Masters of Music Therapy when I graduate
- I'm horrible at introductions. So hopefully this makes up for my lack of it.
Questions By Tagger
Q: What fashion trend from this year do you like the most?
A: I like the rich embroidered and jacquard prints fashion and the white on white trend!
Q: What's your favourite clothing shop?
A: Alannah Hill
Q: Favourite makeup brand?
Q: What are some of your favourite websites?
A: Favourite shopping website: ASOS!
Q: If you were to write a book about your life what would you call it?
A: The girl with the pink bow.
My favourite bow is this beautiful floppy pink bow.
My friend told me to make my blog url thegirlwiththepinkbow@blogspot.com
but it was unfortunately taken.
Q: Have you ever travelled outside of your country, and to where?
A: Hong Kong, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, Alaska, New York, Pennsylvania, Singapore x 2, Dubai, Tanzania, Kuala Lumpur, Bombay x 2, Goa x 2 and all over Australia countless times which could count? As Australia is the only country which is a continent as well.
Q: What are some things that scare you?
A: The dark and being trapped.
Q: What's the first thing you notice about people?
A: Definitely smile and personality.
Q: What's your opinion about social media?
A: I guess I've grown up with it, so I'm all for connecting with people - friends, family - all around the world.
Q: How was highschool for you?
A: Unforgettable.
Q: What do you like most about yourself?
A: That I have a million and one dreams.
My Questions For You
- How did you start blogging?
- What's your favorite clothing shop?
- Choose: jeans or dresses and why?
- What's your favourite food?
- What's your favourite outfit?
- What is your best memory of 2013 so far?
What is your favourite colour?
- What is your biggest fear?- Have you travelled outside of your country and where?
- Would you like to live elsewhere in the world?